Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Identity: Embrace It or Die Trying to Be Someone You're Not.

The title says it all. I am who I am. I embrace being a teenage mother. Why? Because it's who I am! Why would I try to hide it? Being a teenage mom has gotten me to where I am today. It's lead me to success, shit I am graduating college in three years, I have bragging rights.

But what makes me mad is when people do not embrace their identity, and then turn around and dog on yours. I've been put down so many times for the lifestyle I choose, but I choose it not you. You don't have to live my life, in my shoes, so why tell me it's wrong?

You're probably wondering where the root of this came from. Well, I was sitting in a class the other day (I am going to keep this as anonymous as possible) and someone had the nerves to talk down on young moms. As I am sitting right there. Again I don't hide who I am everyone knows I had my son at a very young age. This individual kept saying how we are going no where in life, how it is wrong for teenagers to be allowed to have babies and how she doesn't appreciate paying for them. This is not the first time this individual has made such comments in front of me. But what really astonishes me is how this friend is all friendly and buddy buddy with me, as long as the topic of my son is not brought up. Sorry my son is my best friend, it is impossible to not talk about him!

Footnote: the video above I made before these comments were made.

Society's views on teenage pregnancy are a load of crap. Again I am graduating college at the age of 20, who are you to tell me what I should do. And for the record I am on no kind of state welfare! 

But what makes me even more mad is the saintly qualities this person presents to the world. I do not present to know it all, or that my lifestyle is the only one out there. I don't judge individuals to the best of my ability. That is not our place. We are all human. And no one is perfect. Please start acting like it. Because someday this person may find themselves in a statistical situation, and hunny Karma is a bitch.

My identity is a teenage mom. I don't pretend to be something other than that. So why do people talk bad about the who population with a member of that population sitting right beside them? 

I embrace it. I love being a young mom. I wouldn't change my life for the world. And the four moms in the video above embrace it too, because they are not what everyone wants to believe they are. They are not a statistic and they definitely are not Jenelle Evans (sorry Jenelle). We are not all barefoot and pregnant, doing nothing, and gettin no education (dialect indented). We do try to do our best. We do try to inspire others in our situation, because guess what IT'S NOT EASY. And it doesn't make it any easier when you stereotype us. 

I am to the point that I feel like I need to stand on a pedestal and yell to the world "I GOT PREGNANT IN HIGH SCHOOL AND I'M GRADUATING COLLEGE AT 20!" Will that help? Probably not. Will it make me feel better? Maybe.

My request for you, starting today. Try your hardest not to judge someone that doesn't live life the way you think they should. It's their life not yours. And secondly embrace who you are and realize we are all human. <3

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